CBA亞洲區塊鏈學院-區塊鏈商業應用課程 第8期課程

CBA 區塊鏈商業應用班課程以「商業應用」為核心設計,最適合區塊鏈初學者的入門課程,包含產業該如何使用區塊鏈技術、商業模式設計、商業規劃判斷等,採用實際案例為教材,紮實培訓成為「區塊鏈商業規劃師」​為企業提供最適合的應用方案。

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CBA區塊鏈商業應用班 第7期課程

CBA 區塊鏈商業應用班課程以「商業應用」為核心設計,最適合區塊鏈初學者的入門課程,包含產業該如何使用區塊鏈技術、商業模式設計、商業規劃判斷等,採用實際案例為教材,紮實培訓成為「區塊鏈商業規劃師」​為企業提供最適合的應用方案。

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CBA Blockchain Business Application Class 6th Course

In this CBA Blockchain Business Application Class, the participants come from various fields, and the scope of proposals is also quite wide! Trainees who have been engaged in real estate transactions for many years start with the transaction process of the second-hand real estate market. In the process of considering the construction, there are also cumbersome procedures such as supplier qualifications, materials and equipment, design draft submissions, etc., in order to avoid constructions such as designs and materials without inspection It is difficult to pursue an accident. The trainees proposed that the public sector, raw material suppliers and third-party inspection agencies should be connected in the form of alliance chain, and the inspection process should be combined to ensure that the house has safe building materials during the transaction.

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零程式基礎也能輕鬆上手 x 【區塊鏈入門先修班】CBA區塊鏈工作坊

零程式基礎也能輕鬆上手 x 【區塊鏈入門先修班】沒有程式語言基礎的學員,也能上手的入門課程,針對「撰寫智能合約」與「區塊鏈應用Dapp開發」 所設計的預備課程。對於不熟悉前端程式語言、甚至沒有任何一門程式語言基礎的學員,皆可以透過業界導師指導,透過實戰做中學!課程中也會介紹常用區塊鏈工具,帶領學員踏入區塊鏈技術領域!

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CBA區塊鏈商業應用班 第4期課程 小組區塊鏈報告


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