CBA Blockchain Workshop #1

Blockchain introductory prerequisite x zero foundation can easily get started

Preparatory courses designed for "writing smart contract" and "blockchain application Dapp development", learn by doing!

The latest job market research from LinkedIn, the world's largest workplace community platform, says

"Blockchain skills are the hard skills most needed by enterprises in 2020"

Fortune 500 companies

Also using blockchain

What is Dapp? Decentralized Application

The transaction scale of Dapp on the mainstream public chain has reached 1 billion US dollars

What are the ways to enter the blockchain field?

You can choose to enter from the field of commercial application or technology development

Learning from business: the application of blockchain in all walks of life

Learn from the technical side: programming of blockchain

What are the ways to enter the blockchain field?

You can choose to enter from the field of commercial application or technology development

Explore popular activities

Discover interesting activities and easily join the blockchain

Past activities results

Cryptocurrency investment advice and Blockchain business actual development sharing

There are more and more types of cryptocurrencies. You can start without seeing the commercial value of the currency. This is not called professional investment but brainless gambling! Is investing in cryptocurrency really a scam? Can I play blockchain without knowing technology? Is there a simple and pragmatic way to judge?


"Finance and Technology" look at Fintech’s sought - after talents must understand the field

2018 and 2019 till now, payment is still the most important part of financial technology. Whether it is Europe, Taiwan or other countries, cross-industry cooperation is necessary, and banks must cooperate with each other to increase competitiveness. To keep up with the future trends, what key points must be mastered?


Introduction to cryptocurrency Investment Fundamentals CBA second business application class briefing session

Edwin, a business application expert, uses the industries actual combat experience to analyze industrial application methods and business models; the basis of cryptocurrency investment, is cryptocurrency a scam or a payment method that changes social operations? Come and listen to Jason explain the basic investment concept.

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